
Software - Dist-upgrade - pen drive doesn't show at boot

drb - 01.06.2006, 16:05 Uhr
Titel: Dist-upgrade - pen drive doesn't show at boot
After the dist-upgrade a few days ago (the kde 3.5.3 day I think, but possibly the udev update the day after), the USB pen drive and floppy icons don't appear on the desktop at boot. Take out then put the pen drive back in and both icons appear together. Does anyone else have the same issue? Is there a fix?

Crust - 01.06.2006, 16:49 Uhr
Titel: RE: Dist-upgrade - pen drive doesn
I have the same issue. All device icons don't show on boot until a new device is inserted.

related bugs:

Crust - 08.06.2006, 01:27 Uhr
Titel: RE: Dist-upgrade - pen drive doesn
More info:

Related to this bug:


If I uncheck the Enable CD Polling and check it, icons dissappear/appear almost randomly. Also, checking and unchecking the Enable HAL backend makes icons go crazy. I usually don't have my cd or dvd icon until I put a cd in the drive, but when I disable or enable the HAL backend, the cd and dvd icons along with the hard drive icons appear and dissappear. I get a kded crash when unchecking and then checking the Enable CD Polling option.

Can someone else see if the options in Control Center -> Peripherals -> Storage Media causes device icons on the desktop to appear/dissappear at random?


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