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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 10:21 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Jul 2005
Beiträge: 7

ice hat folgendes geschrieben::
Cups support for parallel printing is currently broken. There are a million bug reports already floating around, even Debian bug tracking system couldn't cope with it:


This fixed parallel printing for me, do this as root:

chmod 0700 /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 15:55 Uhr

Anmeldung: 21. Feb 2006
Beiträge: 8
Wohnort: Oregon City, OR, USA
eco2geek hat folgendes geschrieben::
It's been a while since I've printed anything. After several "dist-upgrade"s and a "dpkg-reconfigure cupsys", CUPS looked fine using the Web interface ("http://localhost:631" in a browser). What didn't work was the KDE printer subsystem (kcontrol > Peripherals > Printers) connecting to the CUPS server -- I got the same error that shame did.

But selecting Print Manager > Configure Manager... and going to the "CUPS Server" selection, and changing "/var/run/cups/cups.sock" to "localhost" in the "Host" field, seems to have solved the problem.

This worked for me, as well (with a parallel port printer, dist-upgraded Kanotix 2005-4.) Changed Host, restarted the server and I could finally print through KDE. Thanks, eco2geek and everyone else. Tossing my notes, loading paper.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 16:17 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
I went out & bought a USB cable thinking that would solve things, but it didn't.
What are the 0700 permissions? I wonder if that'd work for my usb

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 16:53 Uhr

Anmeldung: 03. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 525


Sorry the USB connection didn't work! Did you switch on the printer before trying localhost:631 and kde print manager?

kde print manager should have your printer ready to select after the add printer command (as should localhost:631 after the last upgrade).


Kernel 2.6.21-slh-up-7
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 21:19 Uhr

Anmeldung: 04. Jul 2005
Beiträge: 67
Wohnort: Hawaii
None of the mentioned "fixes" helped either of my machines, one with a Canon BJC-80 (parallel) and one with an HP 7260 (USB). This mess is worse than a windows virus...not sure how it came in and so far, the only sure fix is to reload the OS (which I was forced to resort to (after backing up /home) on the Canon machine to get printing back on line). Now, not knowing what is going to bomb printing, I'm not updating or adding anything to the basic 2005-04 until this gets fixed. Only saving grace is that Kanotix-installer is pretty fast but still, all that time re-editing config files... Tar and feathers for the "gurus" that hatched this one.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 28.06.2006, 21:52 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
I really wouldn't compare this to a *cough* windows virus, and would not say it is worse than a *cough cough* windows virus. IMHO very bad comparision. I would say though a hiccup

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 05:47 Uhr

Anmeldung: 04. Jul 2005
Beiträge: 67
Wohnort: Hawaii
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::
I really wouldn't compare this to a *cough* windows virus, and would not say it is worse than a *cough cough* windows virus. IMHO very bad comparision. I would say though a hiccup

With all due respect, when I get a cough, I don't loose basic functionality, and a glass of water usually cures my hiccups. Water, water, give me water!!!
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 07:45 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
drb: I have my printer installed finally, the propblem now is when try to print, nothing happens. No error messages, just a brief appearance of the printer icon in the tray, then it disappears.

Piper: hiccups don't last this long either!!

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 15:09 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
wh7qq hat folgendes geschrieben::
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::
I really wouldn't compare this to a *cough* windows virus, and would not say it is worse than a *cough cough* windows virus. IMHO very bad comparision. I would say though a hiccup

With all due respect, when I get a cough, I don't loose basic functionality, and a glass of water usually cures my hiccups. Water, water, give me water!!!

With all due respect, as a medical professional, the body does lose basic functionality (depending on the cough), humans (me not included Smilie) take it for granted. Just before a virus (cold, flu, etc, ex. cough, sneeze, watery eyes, fever) your body is telling you that something is wrong, or shuts down. Water can be a very bad thing !!! depends where you live or where you are. Smilie

Yes cups has a hiccup, but did not cause your computer (like windows) to loop in reboot or shutdown (blaster virus) , or that vivid color thing known as a BSOD Winken

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 16:58 Uhr

Anmeldung: 21. Feb 2006
Beiträge: 8
Wohnort: Oregon City, OR, USA
2radical hat folgendes geschrieben::
drb: I have my printer installed finally, the propblem now is when try to print, nothing happens. No error messages, just a brief appearance of the printer icon in the tray, then it disappears.

Piper: hiccups don't last this long either!!

My thoughts exactly (re hiccups) - very frustrating: printer problems, and now that the python has hit the fan, apt wants to remove one of my most-used apps.

Back to your printer. Are you seeing anything interesting in your
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 20:15 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
[/quote]Are you seeing anything interesting in your

Not currently--When I use Kate or any app (Kate loads quickest) to test printing, as I said before, "No error messages, just a brief appearance of the printer icon in the tray, then it disappears." In an earlier error_log, I noticed "unknown configuration directive file:/dev/usb/lp0 on line 6 of printers.conf" but that was just because I forgot to add "DeviceURI" at the beginning of the line. It used to read "DeviceURI usb://EPSON//Stylus%20C60". I received error messages when it was that way. It seems unconsciounable to me that this bug has lasted so long--that a fix for CUPS hasn't been added to the Debian repository. This affects thousands of users & different Linux OS's, not just Kanotix.

root@WorldsEnd:/var/log/cups# cat /etc/cups/printers.conf
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.2.1
# Written by cupsd on 2006-06-25 10:54
<Printer EpsonC60>
Info Epson Stylus C60
DeviceURI file:/dev/usb/lp0
State Idle
StateTime 1151258075
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.06.2006, 23:56 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 1720

# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.2.1
# Written by cupsd on 2006-06-23 05:42
<Printer ML2250>
DeviceURI usb://Samsung/ML-2250
State Idle
StateTime 1151033767
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

Does all printing from every programm
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.06.2006, 17:28 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
I'm wondering if I can solve my problem of not being able to print by doing an update-install using a Kanotix-2006-Easter-RC4 CD. I'm currently using the 2005-04-LITE release which I have been adding packages to and keeping current. Do people using the Easter release have this (printing) problem?

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.06.2006, 17:45 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
I use Easter, didn't have the printer problem untill I believe cups was updated, then I did the fix that I posted here (I think I got from Kano who told someone else on irc) and that fixed my problem.

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 30.06.2006, 20:28 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 1720

I use the Easter-rc4. run fine with my printer. Than Ihad the same faults after the 3rd Upgrade, but with the next it was solved. It took me 4 days and some probings to get ride of this.

BTW: I use gutemprint cupssys and xprint. hplip has been removed(purged).
Cupssys 1.1.xx when installed and working, 1.20 with the trouble, now 1.2.1-13 solved and running. not updated since 21.06.2006
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 02.07.2006, 00:15 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
I hought I'd try getting my printer to work one more time before I did an update-install with the Easter CD. This time I did everything in init 3 as root.

modprobe lp
echo lp >>/etc/modules
apt-get remove --purge cupsys
apt-get install cupsys
installed all the suggested files except for the foreign language support
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart
edited /etc/cupsd.conf:
# Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
init 5
Went to localhost:631
added my printer with ''root" as username & supplied password
made it the default
printed test page

I'm not sure what specific thing made the difference, but I am now FINALLY Sehr glücklich able to print! (even with O.O. 2) Thank you everybody who tried to help me. I'm not brave enough yet to try another reboot to see if things stick. Thanks again--kurt

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 02.07.2006, 00:50 Uhr
Team Member
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Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
Sehr glücklich Sehr glücklich Sehr glücklich Sehr glücklich Sehr glücklich Sehr glücklich

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 02.07.2006, 01:27 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
Thank you piper--I think either installing, then selecting CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.0-rc3 or doing everything I could outside of the X environment in init3 might have made the difference, OR, cupsys upgrading to 1.2.1-3 may be at fault. It could be a combination of those two things--working outside of kdm & the proper driver, but I'm leaning towards doing everything you can with init 3 environment as a key, because of the difficulties so many have reported with using KDE>Control Center>Peripherals>Printers>etc.. I don't think editing /etc/cups/printers.conf is as significant as a solution on the DeviceURI line, because I tried it both ways, using file:/dev/usb/lp0 OR what the localhost:631 (CUPS website) more specifically configured for my printer. However I DO think that commenting out
# Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock in /etc/cupsd/cupsd.conf IS important to do to avoid server error messages. What a learning experience--not exactly what I want to go through again anytime soon. I hope this may be of help to others...kurt

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 04.07.2006, 02:48 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Nov 2005
Beiträge: 112
Wohnort: Venezuela
Well, after reinstalling (upgrading k-2k6-e-rc4), this afternoon, the printer worked again. CUPS 1.1.x. Used the bootusb2 cheatcode but don't know if it really had any effect. Added a few things that brought in cupsys and the printer quit working.

So, do "init 2", update && upgrade which brought about 300-400 upgrades. OK.
Set up printer with firefox and it works again. CUPS 1.2.x.

update && dist-upgrade. And the printer still works.
So, maybe, it's over? I sure hope so. Has survived a couple of reboots.

Thanks for all the help. (and I finally got logged back in again.)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Richard am 04.07.2006, 03:18 Uhr, insgesamt ein Mal bearbeitet
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 04.07.2006, 03:13 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 369
Wohnort: Port Angeles, Wa. USA
Congrats Richard!!

"So, maybe, it's over? I sure hope so."

p.s.: I hope things are ok in Venezuela--my son spent a yr. there as an exchange student

illegitimati non carborundum
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 07.07.2006, 01:36 Uhr

Anmeldung: 30. Nov 2005
Beiträge: 91

I'm back from my holiday and CUPS still isn't fixed.

Not complaining though as it is simple to fix for my
parallel printer (Epson Stylus Color 600).

For some reason the lp module wasn't being loaded at boot
time so /dev/lp0 isn't created. This was remedied on my
Easter release by adding the lp module to /etc/modules
ie. echo lp >> /etc/modules

Not something a newbie could figure out so CUPS needs to
be fixed soon.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 07.07.2006, 02:47 Uhr

Anmeldung: 21. Aug 2004
Beiträge: 123

After many problems I've also managed to get my printer going after originally only intending to upgrade the desktop and some other packages. Verrückt

Perhaps "apt-get remove"(ing) everything related to printing then "apt-get install printconf hplip libprinterconf0c2a" helped but I doubt it ....... Geschockt

After installing hplip it generated a "failed to start" error but appears to be working OK regardless. Under Kdeprint the option for a local/usb/parallel printer is greyed out but I was able to use the "Other printer types" option and choose my printer under direct -> hp:/usb/Deskjet.......

By going to http://localhost:631/admin I was able to edit the cups configuration and share the printer across the network. Going to http://localhost:631 (without the /admin) loads the cups page as text instead of html???

So ...... my printing is working again despite some rough spots upgrading the printer packages and I have no idea why Geschockt
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 14.07.2006, 09:32 Uhr

Anmeldung: 02. Apr 2006
Beiträge: 121

My OkI B4300, USB printer also stopped working when I did an upgrade some days ago. I tried Pipers fix and it worked.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 15.07.2006, 11:00 Uhr

Anmeldung: 02. Apr 2006
Beiträge: 121

I was a little to fast. Yes it works to print a test page from localhost:631 but when I try to print from Firefox the printer returns an error that I shall change to paper format Letter. I have set the print out format in Firefox to A4 and also in the printer configuration in locahost:631 it's set to A4
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 18.07.2006, 05:11 Uhr

Anmeldung: 05. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 414
Wohnort: Auckland, New Zealand
I did the smallest part of Pipers fix, and it worked (as sux):
apt-get remove --purge cupsys
apt-get install cupsys

I then did:
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart

Then when into localhost:631 in konqueror (as user), and under the admin tab I saw my printer (a usb one) and so I clicked "add printer" ... had to wait a couple of minutes (!) and then is went to the next section and everything is fine.
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