As a little surprise there is a new Kanotix ISO during CeBIT time (I am there as visitor) with some special features not found in normal releases. The main difference is that a newer libc6 2.17 is used (from Debian Experimental) which has the effect that self-compiled binaries can not be shared with Debian Wheezy users. If that does not affect you you can enjoy the new features:
* Kernel 3.8.2 (Ubuntu 3.8.0-10 with one extra patch and SATA_AHCI static)
* Nvidia 313.18 and Fglrx 13.2 Beta 7 available in gfxdetect mode (similar to Hellfire gfxoverlay) and the autodetection works after hd install in that mode as well
* Mesa 9.1 for open source gfx drivers, best suited for Intel HD 2000+
* Amarok 2.7.0
* Wine 1.5.25
* LibreOffice 4.0.0
* Grub 2.00 (in case of UEFI boot requires primary mbr or gpt partition mounted to /boot/efi, can be shared with Win, use adv. partitioning)
* Steam preinstalled
* Iceweasel 19
The system can be used to try Steam and should work fine even from USB hd installs (create a bit ext4 partition for that). You could carry your games with you that way and the gfx driver is always correct on boot.
Jörg Schirottke (Kano)